Mac上XCode太占空间,卸载然后安装VSCode和Clang。在VSCode中再安装extension C/C++和Code Runner,配置Tasks: Configure Task,就可以开始Run C++ program了。
Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
Clang - Wikipedia
- Clang is a for the , , and , as well as the , , and frameworks. It uses the compiler infrastructure as its and has been part of the LLVM since LLVM 2.6.
- It is designed to act as a drop-in replacement for the (GCC), supporting most of its compilation flags and unofficial language extensions. Its contributors include , , , , , and (AMD). It is , with released under the , a .
- The Clang project includes , a and several code analysis tools.
Comparing Clang to other open source compilers
Clang C/C++ Download and Installation Instructions
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VS Code 神器插件:代码一键运行,支持超过 40 种语言 - CSDN
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不容错过的 Visual Studio Code 十大扩展组件
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来安装一个酷炫的 VS Code 主题
How to change the launched folder ?
- Navigate to your project folder and type
code .
- The Visual Studio Code Command Line Options